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Does your throat ache or burn, making it difficult for you to swallow? You may feel like something is wrong, but want to wait to visit your family doctor to find out just what that is. Strep throat could be the reason for your throat issues. Is it serious enough to land you in an urgent care clinic? What can you do to make it better? Read on to find out.

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An unwanted pregnancy can send you rushing to your family doctor at the family clinic in stress. Birth control or contraception is an effective way to avoid unwanted pregnancies and enjoy a healthy sex life without stressing out. While no method of contraception is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy, birth control is a good way to keep yourself protected and avoid ending up in an urgent care clinic.

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Is your kid afraid of the word 'doctor'? Do you find yourself making up stories about where you are taking him/her before heading out for a doctor's appointment, only to face a tantrum at the end? It is very normal. Kids are kids, which means they are meant to dislike places that involve needles, bright lights, or strange atmospheres. Urgent care clinics or family clinics usually have a very sterile atmosphere that also has a distinct smell, which kids associate with family doctors or walk-in clinics. But what might surprise you, is the fact that many parents have now figured out ways around it. Yes, you heard that right. It is possible to make your child like visiting the family doctor's office.

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Today's kids and their families have hectic schedules. These factors make it difficult to eat cooked food every day. Many children's meals consist mostly of convenient takeaway meals. These items, however, can be harmful. They have the potential to harm your child's health. A few of the issues that improper eating may bring might last throughout adulthood, and can potentially turn into life-threatening illnesses.

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Medical emergencies are one of the many uncertainties our life is filled with. With the increasing cost of healthcare, the need of getting medical insurance is more important than ever. However, there are so many options that it might be confusing for you to find the one that works for you. That is why we will be laying down the top 5 things you should know before buying medical insurance.

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Preventative and Diagnostic are the two forms of health care you might receive, both of which are aimed to ensure that you remain as healthy as possible. It is crucial to understand the differences between them to get an idea of your current physical and mental wellbeing. In this article, we will be discussing preventative vs diagnostic care.

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In the age of the novel coronavirus, we’re constantly fighting to stay afloat and find air in an exhausting reality. According to a new study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine

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Prostate cancer is a serious health risk in men and could land you in an urgent care clinic. Most men only start thinking about their prostate health as they age, but the reality is, you don’t have to wait till you get old. There are several healthy lifestyle tips you can follow to promote good prostate health. Here are some:

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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of most common mental health disorders around the world. While the disorder can develop in adults, it is mostly associated with children, with the main symptoms being the inability to maintain sustained focus and struggling to develop strong social bonds.

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The problem with ADHD is that it's a mental disorder that tends to take shape pretty early on in one's life. As children with ADHD grow up and experience consistently failing relationships with peers at school and family members at home, they have a high chance of questioning the value of their existence. Combined with poor academic performances, their self-esteem may plunge to dangerously low levels.

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If your child has recently been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), you'd naturally have every reason to be worried. After all, it's a well-known fact that children diagnosed with mental health conditions struggle not just in their academic lives, but in their lives outside school as well. However, instead of feeling hopeless about the situation, you should be optimistic and encourage your child to make exercise a regular part of life.

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The way you live is strongly correlated with your health. The chronic condition, arthritis, is characterized by inflammation of the joints but arthritis may be of over 100 types, with the most common types being rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

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The way you live is strongly correlated with your health. The chronic condition, arthritis, is characterized by inflammation of the joints but arthritis may be of over 100 types, with the most common types being rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis affects the elderly and is characterized by erosion of the joint tissue, while rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder. If you've ended up at an urgent care clinic or your family clinic

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What is the first word that comes to mind when you think of algae? It probably isn’t the most appetizing. And neither is algae-at least the kind that resides on the bottom of pools or oceans. Which is what most people think of when they hear of algae. Edible algae however, has taken the food world by storm. And even dietitians have taken note, touting its excellent nutrient profile and high protein content. In simple language, algae is a common term applied to a group of photosynthetic aquatic organisms. The most popular edible varieties are spirulina, chlorella and seaweed.

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Migraines are usually far worse than regular headaches and are typically accompanied by many debilitating symptoms like discomfort, nausea, as well as heightened sensitivity to loud sounds and lights.

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As human beings we are innately emotional. Be it anger, happiness, sadness, or grief; we feel a variety of emotions depending on the situation we are in. But for people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), the emotional equation seems to slightly differ from people who don't have the disorder. In reality, coping with intense and disturbing emotions becomes greatly difficult for people with ADHD.

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ADHD is both a curse and a blessing

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects millions of children and adults across the globe. It is usually diagnosed in childhood, and some people tend to carry on the symptoms into their adulthood.

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The flu season is around the corner, and winter is coming. As the Novel Coronavirus pandemic continues to carry on relentlessly, affecting millions of people around the world every day, we must prepare ourselves for a COVID winter. The double threat of common flu and COVID-19 is about to make matters much worse for many people. How can you keep yourself safe in such a situation? We tell you below.

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If there was any time for a healthy dose of pessimism, it is now. While most of us are expecting that the COVID-19 situation will de-escalate in the coming year, the truth is – it could take a much longer time. We would do well to mentally prepare ourselves to live with the Novel Coronavirus still amidst us in the near future.

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Varicose veins are swollen, enlarged, twisted veins caused by damaged or faulty valves, and can be painful and unpleasant. Only the one suffering from it can understand the excruciating pain caused by this condition. Several factors can influence this condition such as excessive standing or sitting, lethargic lifestyle, genetics, pregnancy, obesity, and more. Besides, what you eat can have a huge impact on your veins as well. Here is a diet that will help improve your vein health and reduce varicose veins.

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