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The Women's Health Institute at Phoenix Family Medical Clinic
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Lifestyle Changes Arthritis Patients Should Be Making

The way you live is strongly correlated with your health. The chronic condition, arthritis, is characterized by inflammation of the joints but arthritis may be of over 100 types, with the most common types being rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis affects the elderly and is characterized by erosion of the joint tissue, while rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder. If you've ended up at an urgent care clinic or your family clinic with your family doctor telling you you’ve got arthritis, you may experience symptoms such as:

  • Pain and swelling
  • Fatigue
  • Grinding sensations
  • Tenderness
  • Joint deformity
  • Stiffness
  • Redness

These symptoms can be managed by making certain changes to your lifestyle.

Clean up your diet

A diet that is rich in anti-inflammatory foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains ideal for patients suffering from arthritis pain. It is also a good idea to add vitamin C to your diet in the form of citrus fruits or even a supplement as it has anti-inflammatory effects on the body, making it a great way to reduce the pain experienced with arthritis.

Your diet must be low in fats and calories so that you can keep your weight in check. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains also make it less likely that you will put on weight and thereby, relieve your joints from stress.

Make sure you exercise regularly

Including light to moderate exercises on a daily basis is essential for those suffering from arthritis. A good exercise routine must include strength training, flexibility, as well as aerobic exercise. Endurance activities such as walking, running, and swimming are also good options. Swimming is one of the best options because water's buoyancy makes it a convenient activity without putting a lot of pressure on the joints.

Exercise can also help to keep your weight under control, so you don't put excessive pressure on your joints.

Quit drinking and smoking

Smoking and drinking aren’t healthy activities in general and that’s common knowledge, but they’re especially bad for those suffering from arthritis. They can result in your symptoms becoming much worse and may even interfere with your medication for arthritis, reducing how effectively the medicines work.

Manage stress better

Chronic stress has a negative impact on your health and overall quality of life. You need to make sure you can manage your stress well if you want to keep your arthritis symptoms in check. Practice stress management techniques every day by taking some time out. Engage in deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or just meditate for 15 minutes a day. It may not seem like much, but the benefits are worth it.

Get enough sleep

A good night’s sleep is necessary for our bodies to rest and recuperate. You need to make sure you get at least 8 hours of quality sleep in a day. To improve sleep quality, try reading a book before going to bed, take a warm bath, or meditate for a short duration of time. You’ll notice the difference in the quality of your sleep and your body will thank you for it.

Our Providers and Physicians at Phoenix Family Medical Clinic treat and provide care for kids with ADHD and a wide range of other conditions. We’re a walk-in clinic and Saturday clinic offering same-day appointments, and the services of our same-day clinic cover family health, women's and men's health, as well as anti-aging medicine.