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  • Same Day Appointments
  • Open Saturdays
  • Walk-Ins Welcome
  • Most Plans & AHCCCS Accepted
  • Cold & Flu Clinic
  • Full Service Family Clinic
  • No-Insurance Clinic
  • Affordable & Accessible Medical Care
The Women's Health Institute at Phoenix Family Medical Clinic
  • Offering Telemedicine Appointments
  • Same Day Appointments
  • Open Saturdays
  • Walk-ins Welcome

Immunizations & Vaccines

Phoenix Family Medical Clinic offers immunization for your entire family. Immunizations are recommended because they protect against diseases (give immunity) and make a disease less severe if it is contracted. Thanks to vaccines, most diseases prevented by vaccines are no longer common in this country. Even the few cases we have in the U.S. could very quickly become tens or hundreds of thousands of cases if we stopped vaccinating.

It's not uncommon to have measles outbreaks, whooping cough outbreaks, chickenpox outbreaks, and other diseases when vaccination rates drop. Kids that are not fully vaccinated can become seriously sick and spread it through a community. Immunizations should start with newborns, through childhood and adolescence and into adulthood.

Childhood Immunizations

Immunization has saved millions of lives over the years and has prevented hundred of millions of cases of disease. Immunization of children not only protects them from very serious diseases but it also protects their friends and classmates from the same diseases, protects future generations, and helps rid the world of diseases.

Adult Immunizations

Some adults incorrectly assume that the vaccines they received as children will protect them for the rest of their lives. Generally this is true, except that:

  • Some adults were never vaccinated as children
  • Newer vaccines were not available when some adults were children
  • Immunity can begin to fade over time
  • As we age, we become more susceptible to serious disease caused by common infections (e.g., flu, pneumococcus)
Immunization Schedules

The Schedules lists the ages (birth through 6 years old and 7 through 18 years old) for when each vaccine or series of shots is to be given. If your child or adolescent has missed any shots, consult the catch-up schedule AND check us about getting back on track.

The Recommended Immunization Schedules for Persons Aged 0 Through 18 Years are approved by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (, the American Academy of Pediatrics (, and the American Academy of Family Physicians (

Influenza (Flu) Vaccines

The flu is a contagious respiratory disease caused by an influenza virus. In the U.S., flu outbreaks typically occur in winter months. Symptoms include fever, chills, sore muscles, and cough. Thousands of people in the U.S. die each year from the flu or its complications. Most of those who die are the elderly, young children, or people with compromised immune systems.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, anyone who wants to reduce their risk of the flu can get a flu shot. The flu shot is approved for anyone older that 6 months of age. Some people have a higher risk of the disease. You should be vaccinated each year if you:

  • Are 50 years of age or older
  • Have chronic lung or heart disease
  • Have sickle cell anemia and other hemoglobinopathies
  • Live in a nursing homeor extended care facilities
  • Live in any type of housing where there arechronic health problems
  • Have kidney disease, anemia, severe asthma, diabetes, or chronic liver disease
  • Have a weakened immune system (including those with cancer or HIV/AIDS)
  • Receive long-term treatment with steroids for any condition
  • Expect to be past the 3rd month of pregnancy during the flu season