Varicose Veins: Is There A Diet That Helps Reduce the Pain?
Varicose veins are swollen, enlarged, twisted veins caused by damaged or faulty valves, and can be painful and unpleasant. Only the one suffering from it can understand the excruciating pain caused by this condition. Several factors can influence this condition such as excessive standing or sitting, lethargic lifestyle, genetics, pregnancy, obesity, and more. Besides, what you eat can have a huge impact on your veins as well. Here is a diet that will help improve your vein health and reduce varicose veins.
Adopt a low-calorie diet
Did you know that you could be a victim of varicose veins if you are overweight or obese? A healthy diet plan that is low in calories and high in fiber is ideal to lose weight and reduce varicose veins' appearance. The best approach is to reduce the intake of sugar and carbohydrates.
Make sure you do not cut too many calories immediately. A crash diet only leads to more health problems. Start by avoiding soda, alcohol, deep-fried foods, and processed foods, and including fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet.
Add bioflavonoids in your diet
Bioflavonoids are known to improve vein health. Varicose veins can be a huge problem especially when they grow larger or begin to ache. Bioflavonoids reduce the inflammation that causes varicose veins as well as reduces pain and irritation by stimulating the blood flow throughout the body.
Bioflavonoids are plant pigments that are found in fresh produce such as mango, eggplant, spinach, broccoli, bell peppers, and garlic.
Drink more water
Dehydration can lead to several health problems. From urination to kidney problems to seizures, and low blood volume shock among others. Reduced intake of water can have a negative impact on your veins. A hydrated body has good blood flow that reduces the appearance of varicose veins. Additionally, it also cuts down on the amount you eat and in turn, helps maintain an ideal weight.
Avoid salt
Your body needs salt. But excessive salt intake increases the blood pressure and puts extra pressure on the veins and the heart. Avoiding salt completely is also bad for your heart as it lowers the blood pressure. Hence, a balanced intake is necessary to ensure that your blood pressure is neither high nor low, and your heart is healthy. Sticking to a diet that includes a lot of fresh vegetables and herbs such as ginger, beets, rosemary, avocados, asparagus, and avoiding processed foods that are always high in salt is the best way to go!
Avoid potentially constipating food
Constipation puts pressure on the body and the veins and chronic constipation can lead to damaged veins or varicose veins over time. Foods such as cheese, milk, red meat, starches, and bananas contribute to constipation. You can consume potentially constipating food as long as you are not constantly dealing with constipation.
Did you know that food containers could lead to an increase in estrogen? Did you know that increase in estrogen can cause varicose veins? BPA can leak into food stored in containers and in turn, lead to varicose veins. Make sure that when you buy containers to store food, it is BPA free.
You cannot avoid varicose veins, but you can reduce its appearance. At Phoenix Family Medical Clinic, your physicians will ensure that you follow a healthy diet that can help you reduce the appearance of varicose veins.