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Picture this – it’s sunny one day and chilly the next. Throw in intermittent rain, thundershowers and cold gusts of wind. It is difficult to get the weather forecaste right during season change and while this might throw off our plans, it could severely impact our health too. Especially the weather transition from winter to summer, can be a tough one to cope with. The germ pool is the most potent and the increasing number of pollen in the air does not help your allergies, if any. So how do you keep yourself immune to weather change diseases? Learn below.

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Do you commonly experience pain in the same area of your neck and shoulders? You must have thought it was stress causing these pains. While you aren't wrong, there is more to chronic pain in certain muscles than simply that. These areas where you experience periodic pain are called trigger points. Trigger points are muscle knots or lumps which are responsible for causing you pain. A person can have more than a single trigger point. These trigger points usually occur in your neck, shoulders, lower or upper back, head, jaws, legs, or even your buttocks. Let's learn more about these trigger points below.

How are the Trigger Points Formed?

Trigger points may be formed due to an injury that you have sustained. They could result from overexercising your muscles. Poor posture while sitting/standing or sleeping could also cause trigger points to be formed. If you are in the habit of subconsciously tensing your muscles every time you experience emotional stress, trigger points could develop in these muscles.

How Can You Tell if You’re Experiencing Trigger Point Pain?

You can identify trigger point pain by certain signs and symptoms. These are –

  • Weakness felt in your muscles . Trigger point formation can weaken your muscles.
  • Pain trigger point pain can be deep-set and unrelenting. While some trigger points cause discomfort only when pressure is applied to them, others are a constant source of pain. Moving the muscle with the trigger point could also activate this pain. Pain can also spread away and extend to areas around your trigger point. When this happens, it is called referred pain.
  • Decrease in range of motion. Trigger points in a muscle restrict its range of activity by shortening muscle length.
  • You could also experience redness in your trigger point area, skin sensitivity, excessive watering in your mouth and eyes, and so on.

Diagnostic Criteria Used for Trigger Points

A trained medical professional will be able to make a trigger point diagnosis for you by following the process of elimination. They ask you in detail about your health history, the pain you are experiencing and conduct tests to come to a certainty about their diagnosis. They may even physically examine your trigger point areas to determine whether the pain you are feeling is, in fact, stemming from a trigger point. X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs can aid them in making an accurate trigger point diagnosis.

How are Trigger Points Treated?

Trigger Point Injections can effectively treat trigger points. They usually include Botox – which prevents muscle contraction that causes trigger points, a local anesthetic to help relieve pain or a corticosteroid, which reduces inflammation in the muscle.

Physical therapy and medicines can also help you deal with trigger point pain. At Phoenix Family Medical Centre, we provide all kinds of therapies that can help you relieve pain and other symptoms caused by trigger point pain. You can walk into our clinic anytime to have your trigger point pain diagnosed and treated. Similarly, you could also call or email us in advance to set up an appointment at a time that is convenient for you.

Spring-summer is notorious for pink eye outbreaks. Pink eye or Conjunctivitis is viral in nature and can easily spread from an affected individual to you, if you do not exercise caution. When you become infected with conjunctivitis, the transparent membrane that lines your eyelid and covers the whites of your eye becomes inflamed and red. While usually caused by bacteria/virus, an allergic reaction may also cause you to develop this condition. A pink eye does not harm your vision, but can be incredibly discomfiting. Early diagnosis and treatment is crucial to stem a pink eye contagion.

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The connection between the weather and your allergies acting up is scientific. Winter and spring are notoriously known as allergy season, but this belief isn’t very factual All seasons have the potential to trigger your allergies and your allergies will be activated as long as there are allergens that you are susceptible to, in the air. Being informed goes a long way in helping you deal with your allergies. A majority of allergy medications have the maximum effect if you begin taking them before your allergies fire up.

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A new year has arrived, and, with it, so have health resolutions that most of us would've vowed to take. So, we realized you'd like some help toward that end. We share information below on the worst diets and eating fads that you could follow into the new year.

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A new year has begun. It is time for renewal and rebirth. The beginning of the year is when you eschew all old habits and toxic behavior that are no longer serving you and start practicing betterment in your physical and emotional health. Many people chalk up new year resolutions but are unable to follow it all the way through.

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The patient-physician relationship is at the core of healthcare. It can have a very significant bearing on the clinical care administered. The goal of the patient-physician relationship is to improve the patient’s medical care and, eventually, their health.

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New technological innovations have a significant impact on the functioning of every industry, and the healthcare sector is no different. In fact, the healthcare and medicine vertical has been embracing technological changes with such encouragement and proactivity that new discoveries are bound to influence how things are done in this market space.

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Bacteria possess the ability to cause infectious diseases that can spread from one person to another. These ailments have been around since 3000 BC, and although much progress has been made in medical research, infectious diseases caused by bacteria continue to be one of the leading causes of death for the global population.

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2019 is almost over. It is time to look back and learn about the health issues that plagued the world this year. The World Health Organization published a list for the same earlier. The goal was to spread awareness about the top 10 global health issues which would demand medical attention in 2019. What were they? Let’s find out –

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Halloween is just around the corner and while you prepare your costumes, we advise you to exercise some caution. Trick or treaters get carried away every year and Emergency Rooms get crowded with victims of Halloween stunts gone awry. Plan your revelry and put up those Jack-o-lanterns as you will, but don’t forget to keep a check on you and your family’s safety. Nobody wants to have to visit a hospital abruptly ending a celebration. So how do you keep safe this Halloween? Here are a few tips on that end.

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Retirement seems like the best thing that could happen to you when you’re a young working individual. However, when you do approach your retirement years, it no longer seems as appealing. Who knows, perhaps it’s a classic case of the grass always appearing greener on the other side.

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Have you been feeling tired very often for no particular reason? Is your day-to-day life affected due to this tiredness? If so, it is time you consult your healthcare provider. Remember that chronic fatigue is not something to be neglected.

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Influenza can be fatal if not treated on time. The best way to keep yourself protected from contracting the flu is to get yourself vaccinated every year.

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Investing in a health insurance plan should be a well-thought-out move. When you look at the options available to you in the insurance market, you'll notice that some programs are HMO, while others are PPO. What do these acronyms mean and what's the difference between them? Let's find out.

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Seasonal Affective Disorder is a kind of depression that usually occurs in a seasonal pattern. It is often known as “winter depression” since it is more prominent in the colder months. Although this isn’t true for all people, a lot of people with SAD may feel depressed during summer and not show any symptoms in winter.

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In cervical cancer care, several doctors collaborate and devise a treatment plan for the patient. A multidisciplinary team consisting of oncology nurses, pharmacists, counselors, and physician assistants work together to treat the cancer patient.

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Many people tend to shy away from investing in a health insurance plan simply because of how expensive it is. Health insurance coverages don’t come cheap, but if you happen to experience regular health complaints, you could end up saving rather than spending.

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Tetanus is a near-fatal infection caused by the clostridium tetani bacteria. Four kinds of vaccines have been developed to protect against this bacterium. The DT and Td vaccines protect against diphtheria and tetanus, and DtaP and Tdap vaccines prevent diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis.

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Emotions are a part of life. You feel happy, excited, anxious, sad, or jealous for different reasons. Feeling low is just a phase that passes away over a period. It is a part of life and you have nothing to worry about as long as there's a reason behind the sadness. But what happens when you continue to feel hurtful all the time and have no justification to it?

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