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The Women's Health Institute at Phoenix Family Medical Clinic
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The Most Important Health Screening That Every Woman Should Get!

Healthy habits are a choice that many individuals have to make to live a healthy life. A good fitness regime that includes regular exercise, healthy food, ample sleep, and stress management are considered sufficient by many women. But did you know that as a woman, you need scheduled routine health careening as well?

Some of the most important health screening that every woman should get include the following!

1. Blood pressure test: The American Heart Association suggests having a blood pressure test at least once every two years starting from age twenty. It also suggests an annual screening for women who are obese, adults above age forty, and African Americans as there is an increased risk of hypertension.

2. Blood glucose test: The test must be taken at least once every three years after age 45. People who have a family history of diabetes or are obese may need early and regular screening.

3. Body Mass Index: Every adult must be screened for obesity starting at age 18, as obesity leads to several other health problems. Obesity is usually screened through BMI.

4. Bone density screening: Women are at more risk of osteoporosis and bone density screening helps in determining the possible risks. Women with a very weak bone are at high risk and may be advised to get a regular screening by their healthcare provider.

5. Cholesterol test: It is a vital tool to access a woman’s risk of developing heart disease. National Institutes of Health suggests taking this test once every five years, at least.

6. Colon cancer screening: The screening is done through a colonoscopy, or sigmoidoscopy, and is repeated every ten years and five years respectively.

7. Dental check-up: Good dental health is as important as good physical health. Most dentists recommend getting a dental check-up twice a year unless suggested otherwise.

8. Pap smear: Pap smear is a necessity to every woman and must be done once in three years if you are below age thirty and once in five years for anyone older.

9. Mammogram: It screens for breast cancer and is a vital test for every woman The American Cancer Society suggests annual screening at age 45 and biannual mammogram at age 55.

10. Skin examination: According to the American Cancer Society, it is vital to examine your skin every month at home as new moles or a change in an existing mole can be a sign of cancer. A woman is at increased risk if there is a history of skin cancer in the family.

When should you go to a health checkup?

It might be quite confusing with various health tests that are recommended. Physicians at Phoenix Family Medical Clinic suggest scheduling your health tests at these ages.

- Tests you need in your 20s and 30s

o Pelvic exam and Pap smear

o Breast cancer screening

o Cholesterol test

o Blood pressure screening

o Immunizations

o Eye exam

o Dental exams

o Physical examination

- Tests you need in from the 40s through 60s


Apart from all the tests that started in your twenties, you will also take the following tests.

o Skin checks

o Mammogram

o Breast exam

o Colon Cancer screening

- Tests you need after you turn 65

Apart from all the tests that started in your twenties, you will also take the following tests.

o Hearing test

o Bone density test

o Pneumonia vaccine

Other tests that you may need regularly

- Depression screening

- Diabetes

Though these tests are age recommended, our doctors at Phoenix Family Medical Clinic may suggest taking them as and when they see fit, based on your present health condition. Remember that every test mentioned above is a preventive measure to ensure that you live a healthy and happy life.