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7 Tips for a Healthy Back to School Season in Phoenix, AZ

kids run back to school

Back to school season is a very busy time for parents, students and teachers alike. Health clinics across Phoenix are also busy because many parents now have to schedule a pre-school season doctor’s visit. Most schools in the Valley require a medical release or signed sports physical authorizing participation in sports and other extracurricular activities.

Don’t let an illness delay your child from participating in back to school activities. Start the school year with a bang using these seven tips to promote a healthy back-to-school season in Phoenix.

Sick? Don’t Go to School – It’s considerate of others for sick children stay home instead of going to school. This is an effective way to practice infection control in the classroom. Symptoms that should prompt children to stay home include:

  • Gastrointestinal issues (specifically diarrhea or vomiting)
  • A fever of more than 100 degrees F (and the child needs to be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to school)
  • Contagious rashes (eczema, poison ivy, and rashes related to allergies do not apply)
  • Pink eye (eye irritation, resulting in redness and discharge)
  • Lice (tiny bugs that cause scalp irritation)
  • Practice Proper Hand Washing – Dirty hands spreads bacteria and other viruses on all types of surfaces from doorknobs to classroom tables to keyboards and other general surfaces. Effective hand-washing includes warm water and cleansing soap designed to thoroughly clean and disinfect hands. Children as young as toddler age can participate in this method of preventing the spread of colds and viruses.

    Encourage the Right Way of Coughing – Improper coughing can lead to a cold or flu outbreak in the classroom because infected individuals carry strains of bacteria or viruses. Coughing is an action where the lungs take in air and expel air and saliva with force, causing the contaminated air to land on nearby surfaces.

    When children practice proper methods for containing coughs, they help reduce the risk of spreading a cold, the dormant flu, or other illnesses. The best way to contain coughs is to cradle your head in the nook of your elbow and cough towards the body. The clothes will mostly contain the cough and reduce cross-contamination with frequently-touched surfaces.

    Stock the Classroom with Infection Control Materials – It would mean the world to your child’s teacher if you could send your child to school with some classroom materials. Even just one box of tissues or a container of cleaning wipes can make a difference. If all students bring hygiene and sanitation supplies during the school year, it can provide vital infection control throughout the year.

    Schedule Your Child’s Sports Physical – As aforementioned, many sports and extracurricular activities at schools now require a medical release for participation. A sports physical is a specific type of health exam that checks that your child is up to date on shots, has proper range of motion, has a healthy heart rate and lung capacity, and rules out any disqualifying physical abilities.

    Keep Up with Your Child’s Immunizations and Vaccinations – Most schools require parents to provide an accurate history of their child’s shot history. This helps reduce the spread of infection or disease on school grounds. Even as a no-insurance clinic, Phoenix Family Medical can assist with keeping your child up-to-date on their shots.

    Dress Your Child Appropriately – The school year can have extreme changes of temperature that affects your child’s health. In the beginning of the school year, it can still be quite warm outdoors In Phoenix. If your child is dressed too warmly while playing outdoors, they could experience heat exhaustion. It’s also common for a rainstorm to drop temperatures suddenly. Improper dress can leave your child vulnerable and reduce their body’s ability to fight viruses and infections. Keep a watchful eye on the weather forecasts and ensure that your child is dressed for the weather conditions.

    Phoenix Family Medical is a trusted no-insurance clinic serving the entire Valley. Bring your child in to update their shots or to take part in our limited low price on sports physicals. Book an appointment at the location nearest you!