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The Women's Health Institute at Phoenix Family Medical Clinic
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Symptoms of Childhood Depression and Treatment

Though most adults would find it difficult to comprehend that a small child can also undergo depression, it does exist like other strong emotions of anger, despair and hatred similar to that of an adult. But children in general have a sunny disposition and tend to forget sad and depressing memories and move on quickly. So if a child is sad or brooding then try to find out the reason for their sadness and do everything within your means to solve the problem. If depression can be solved in adults, then it can be handled in children much more easily by consulting a family doctor with whom the child is comfortable enough to discuss reasons behind the depression. Depression symptoms in children are hard to detect as these are shrugged off as temper tantrums and emotional changes of this age.

Signs of depression

· Irritable and withdrawn behavior with everyone at home and school

· Lack of interest in food and activities that the child used to enjoy in the past

· Lacking concentration in schoolwork and complaints about disinterest in school activities.

· Sudden gain or loss in weight followed by restlessness during sleep

· Feelings of worthlessness and high sensitivity to rejection

Reasons for childhood depression

Childhood depression is a serious issue if your child has other mood related problems like ADHD or bipolar disorder. It can be symptomized by persistent sadness and hopelessness followed by disinterest in physical activities like outdoor games and sports with siblings and friends in school and home. A child could be depressed for any number of reasons like sudden changes in lifestyle or environment followed by genetic makeup and biochemical disturbances in the atmosphere.

There are multiple reasons for depression on childhood that could last for a few days and fade away or just get worse over a period of time. Usually this problem in children is caused by malfunctioning neurotransmitters in the brains which can occur as a reaction to stress or illness. If you visit a walk in clinic for the first time with a disturbed child, the first question the doctor is likely to ask you about is about history of depression in the child’s family.

Treatment and Therapy for Childhood Depression

There could be several reasons for this problem and if family members are not able to solve the problem then it is advisable to take your child to a family clinic for checkup and treatment. Our Providers and Physicians at Phoenix Family Medical Clinic treat and provide care for kids with ADHD and related behavioral problems with counseling and medication.

If your child’s withdrawal and lack of interest in daily activities continues for a long time and you notice that he/she is reading about suicide or talking about suicide methods then take him/her for same day appointment to a nearest family clinic. The child would have to undergo a few tests to confirm if it is indeed suffering from depression and depending on diagnosis a treatment plan will be suggested by the doctor. The child has to establish a comfortable relationship with care providers for complete treatment from depression.

If your child is suffering from depression, visit the Phoenix Family Medical clinic today.