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10 Common Digestive Health Problems

A large number of people plagued by digestive health problems around the world are hardly aware of the fact that these problems could be early symptoms of hidden illnesses elsewhere in the body. Issues like diarrhea, stomach ulcers, bloating, constipation, acidity and heartburn can play havoc with the normal activity of any individual and should be treated as early as possible to avoid future complications. Though most of these symptoms can be treated immediately with over the counter medicines, long-term relief can be achieved by integrated healthcare, which will get rid of the disease instead of silencing the symptoms.

Diarrhea – Diarrhea is characterized by continuous loose stools, followed by stomach cramps and vomiting too if the infection is very severe. This problem occurs due to the virus that causes intestinal flu and can lead to severe dehydration if the patient does not consume enough fluids. Diarrhea is common in children as their immune system is too weak to fight against water-borne bacteria and germs.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome – IBS affects intestinal muscles and leads to abdominal pain, constipation and gas. There is no permanent solution to this health problem though its symptoms can be managed with prescribed diet and medication. This syndrome is both painful and uncomfortable that can lead to continuous stress for the individual.

Constipation – When people have unusually long gaps in bowel movement, it can lead to bloating and gas in the stomach.

Ulcer – Stomach ulcers can lead to damage of stomach lining that could be caused due to strong medications and spicy food habits or in the duodenum area when gall bladder stones block the flow of bile into digestive tract. Ulcers can be managed with antacids and antibiotics.

Celiac Disease – This is a fairly common disease that can affect both children and adults and can lead to growth failure in the former if they are affected at a young age. Celiac gets aggravated when people with this problem take food items which have gluten which damages the small intestine.

Diverticulitis – This digestive problem is caused due to infection in pouches of large intestine that can cause severe pain in the lower left side of the stomach. If the large intestinal pouches become inflamed, it can lead to diarrhea and vomiting.

Crohn’s Disease – This small intestinal inflammatory problem can spread to the large intestine and other parts of the digestive system. It is characterized by severe stomach pain followed by blood in stools that can be cured with over-the-counter inflammatory medication.

Gallstones – These form in the gallbladder that is located under the liver and are in the form of small particles of solid material that slowly develop into stones due bile.

Appendicitis – During this disease the appendix gets inflamed and extends away from large intestine leading to severe stomach pain and vomiting. It should be removed immediately through surgery as otherwise it can either burst or perforate leading to spread of infectious substances in the stomach.

Hemorrhoids – When the hemorrhoidal veins located in the lower section of the rectum become swollen, their walls become thin and get irritated during natural bowel movement of the individual.