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The Fermented Foods That Keep Your Gut Healthy

Does your family doctor recommend fermented foods to stay healthy? He or she does so for a good reason.

Fermentation is a chemical process that makes use of certain types of microbes to prepare edible foods that are rich in probiotics. The process helps in the preservation of food for a longer duration.

But did you know fermented foods packed with healthy microbes work well for your digestive system? Probiotics, which are necessarily live bacteria and yeast, boost digestion, weight loss, and immunity.

This is why your family doctor emphasizes these foods so much. The same benefits extend to your body if you add the following fermented foods to your diet:

  • Yogurt

One of the most popular choices of milk-fermented food is yogurt. It bears the "Live & Active Cultures” seal, which ensures that it contains 100 million probiotic cultures per gram at manufacturing time. Don’t worry if you found something without this seal because even those with it are rich in probiotics, which assists in the digestion of lactose. Hence, you can have this even when you are lactose intolerant.

  • Kefir

This fermented dairy product combines kefir grains and bacteria or yeast to create a thick liquid that resembles yogurt and is quite savory. The food is extremely beneficial when it comes to internal inflammation and digestion. You can consume kefir even when you are lactose intolerant. Just add it to your regular drinks or smoothies and boost your digestive health. At the same time, kefir is also seen to improve bone health in patients with osteoporosis, often providing lasting results.

  • Kombucha

Kombucha is an effervescent tea with a tangy punch that contains healthy, gut-boosting bacteria and yeast. You can flavor it with some fruits and herbs to balance out the sourness. During the fermentation process, some amount of alcohol may be produced (generally less than 0.5% by volume). This fizzy tea is made from the usual green or black tea and is seen to purge the liver and detox your body.

  • Kimchi

Hailing from Korea, this fermented cabbage cuisine is spicy. Modern-day variations of this dish use other fermented vegetables like fermented radish. But the recipe is originally made of cabbage only. Kimchi is packed with health benefits like its ability to reduce insulin resistance and lower blood pressure. It's also beneficial for pre-diabetic patients. You can add it to any dish of your choices like pasta, sandwiches, and noodles.

  • Tempeh

Tempeh is a product of fermentation of soybeans, something similar to tofu in its plant-based protein makeup. It has a slightly nuttier flavor and firmer texture compared to tofu. This soybean cake is an excellent source of protein and can be fried, baked or steamed to add to various recipes. Its high probiotic profile helps in reducing digestive issues, heart problems, free radical damage, and cholesterol issues.

The above are just a few of the many fermented foods that can keep your gut in good shape. Do consult your family doctor to check for possible allergies and health issues before plunging into a full-fledged fermented diet. You can even go to our Providers and Physicians at Phoenix Family Medical Clinic clinic for a detailed consultation with a dietician.