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How Adults Can Manage ADHD in Themselves

Adults with ADHD find it difficult to stick to schedules, achieve their potential at work and deal with chaos calmly. They are given to impulsive speech and behavior which they regret later, affecting their self worth. Fortunately, adults who struggle with ADHD can learn a few tricks to manage their symptoms better and lead a more organized and motivated life. It is important to exercise patience and practice these tricks over and over, they will eventually show results. If the people around you do not quite understand your mental health issue, be understanding of their lack of knowledge and inform them as best you can. It will help you adjust better in the long run.

Tips for Managing ADHD Symptoms:

  • De-construct tasks and plan a routine – ADHD patients struggle the most with inattention and distractibility. Their organizational skills are much lacking as a result. A good way to get tasks completed is to break it down into small steps which are easier to commit to for someone with a lower attention span.

Similarly, following a routine helps a person with ADHD to stick to and finish off their daily chores. Physical planners and timetables help them stay organized and de-clutter their mind.

  • Be pro-active – Don’t delay things till a later time. If there’s something that you can take care of immediately without too much hassle, do so. Postponing things will only add more clutter to your brain. You may then forget to cater to this task entirely causing you to beat yourself up about your lack of mindfulness.
  • Keep a watch handy – Adults with ADHD often misperceive how long it may take them to complete a task or reach somewhere. A good practice here, is to keep a track of the time when you start your task/journey and check your progress from time to time. Also allow yourself a cushion of some extra minutes to achieve your goal. Set up reminders, start early – try to manage time better.
  • Learn to prioritize – ADHD patients tend to jump from one task to another as they struggle with impulse control. If you have a task that needs completing first, prioritize it. Work on it first before you move on to other projects.
  • Say no – Low impulse control can sometimes make an adult with ADHD agree to commitments that they cannot keep. They then try to juggle as many of these commitments as they can and drain themselves out in the process. It’s not healthy to approach life this way. Learning to say no to events you cannot be present at helps with alleviating needless stress and maintaining your mental peace and calm.

Some More Tips

Adults who have ADHD should try to maintain a budget to refer to while spending since they have poor impulse control. Certain things like removing external stressors from their environment, exercising, meditating, eating and sleeping right can do wonders for their mood and concentration. If you have an ADHD problem, try these nifty tricks out. Medication afterall can only do so much.