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How To Reduce Your Back Pain While Working at the Office

Four out of every five women who hunch over their computer systems are known to end up with chronic back pain at some stage of their lives. If you are one among those thousands of women who have to work with a computer for long hours, a few simple alterations can make a big difference to your pain. In fact many people irrespective of their gender spend their days in front of the television, computer, tablet or smart-phone screens. Your screen time can soar very high when you stay in front of your PC during the day, and many people do that. Such a habit or lifestyle can result in a severe imbalance in the manner humans use their bodies leading to acute discomfort and pain. Check out some of the fixes, which will prove highly effective for reducing your neck, joint and back pain at a workplace.

You Should Sit With Proper Support

Your sitting position and posture at work play a big role to prevent and reduce your back pain. Keep your feet flat on a floor while sitting and working at your desk. Your chair's height should be such that it enables your thighs to be placed at a right angle. Such a posture will ensure that your lower back is not rounded. Make sure that your shoulders do not round out, and that your body's posture is not slumped forward.

Set Up Your Work Desk

A proper ergonomic sitting arrangement means your cabin or cubicle having an adjustable and comfortable chair and proper knowledge in ways of adjusting and re-adjusting it so that it can fit your keyboard tray or you. There are many workplaces, which may even consider proper placement of the mouse, screens, and printers. There are some cases where an employer has even made an effort to put a standing table for employees suffering from upper back and neck pain because they have to log on for long working hours.

In case such a desk is not the right choice for you, your employer should opt for cheap desktop converters, which will allow you to either let your desk be as it is or convert it into the stand-up mode without spending much. This way you can partially work standing and spend the remaining time sitting in the office. Those people who are uncertain about their ability to stand for the entire day at the workplace can opt for it without changing their existing desk.

Try To Look Straight Into The Screen

Many employees have computer screens, which sit at low heights, Health experts recommend placing the screen at a height so that its bottom is at a height of a person's chin. While this position can slightly vary depending on the size of the monitor you are using, if its height is excessively low, it will be uncomfortable for your body. making you slump down. In case, you work on a laptop mostly, go for a secondary screen if that is possible whenever you are sitting at the desk. It is because the screen of the laptop will compel you to bend your head in a downward position and put more stress on the neck region. You should have the bigger screen right in front.

Our Providers and Physicians at Phoenix Family Medical Clinic treat and provide care for people suffering from back pain.