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What Are the Most Adverse Consequences of ADHD?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a neuropsychiatric problem that is genetic in nature and continues from childhood to adulthood leading to developmental problems. Many parents that are normal but have ADHD children tend to be concerned about the continued use of stimulant medication which can turn into abuse of these medicines if they take them over a long period of time. ADBD strikes men and women with different intensity and can cause symptoms like lack of focus, temper tantrums, lack of concentration and low threshold over anger management and depression. Sometimes with medication and mental exercises people tend to gain more control over their ADHD symptoms and can cope with them better.

Most common consequences of ADHD are

a. Motor vehicle accidents – Most ADHD drivers are vulnerable to accidents till the age of mid forties if they are not on medication. While 400 percent suffer from serious injuries nearly 300 percent of adolescents carry out traffic violations due to lack of focus and attention. Sometimes this could be due to abuse of medications that are used for treatment of ADHD which can cause nausea and drowsiness that is dangerous during driving.

b. Poor academic performance – Children that suffer from ADHD constantly suffer from poor school performance as their agitated minds are not able to concentrate in studies. They also have trouble in remembering school work and completing it on time so fall behind peers in school and college which affects their self esteem.

c. ADHD children/adults feel socially unfit – Their aggressive behavior and frustration about lack of ability to manage simple things like academics makes it difficult for them to make long term personal bonds. They require both medication and behavioral therapy to manage through bouts of anger and depression to cope and lead normal lives. As children they go through feelings of frustration as they are labeled stupid, lazy and troublemakers while as adults they may be declared mentally unstable.

d. Risky behavior and substance abuse – Due to the highly volatile nature of ADHD patients they often indulge in risky behavior like dangerous sports, overspending, speeding and are highly susceptible to alcohol and drug abuse. If diagnosed at an early age most children are given drugs to keep their behavior under control which increases their dependence on them and over a period of time the drug ceases to have affect so higher doses are given. As adults these patients also have problems with alcohol if they do not have a strong support group.

e. Anxiety and depression – Both children and adults suffer from anxiety and nervousness when they are worried about important things in life like examinations, meetings or presentations which can lead to rapid heartbeat, sweating or dizziness. Their depression phase when something does not work out as per expectations is also equally obsessive making it difficult for them to multitask.

To control these feelings sometimes adults with ADHD take self medication which makes matters worse as these should be given only after proper tests have been conducted. The most adverse symptoms of ADHD can be controlled if proper medication is taken as per doctor’s instruction along with behavioral therapy lessons.