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Types of Knee Injuries

There are many people around the world who have suffered from some form of knee injuries at some point in their lives. While in a majority of scenarios, body movements may not be the actual reason for a knee injury. Rather, knee problems could occur due to injuries, excessive stress or regular wear and tear. People are also known to suffer from knee injuries or knee related problems while indulging in recreational activities or sports or even while undertaking certain projects at home.

Did you know that among the various joints in your body, you knee is the largest one? If you are aging, into active sports or other forms of recreational activities or suffering from conditions such as arthritis, there is a greater likelihood of facing knee related problems.

One of the most widely-known reasons of knee-related problems is exposure to some form of an injury. These injuries could be caused due to a blow that hit your knees or you fell down all of a sudden hurting them. It can happen also due to bending or twisting of your knees. Unfortunately, you knee is susceptible to injuries quite easily. An accident while on a bike or a sudden fall could also be the cause for your knee injury.

Some of the injury types are mentioned below:

Knee strains

The occurrences of such strains can take place when there is a stretching of muscles or tendons ha surround your knees because of your knee’s hyperextension or hyperflexion. Such strains could cause pain to your knee joint.

Ligament sprains

The extent of tearing or stretching of your ligament will determine the severity of sprains in the ligaments. This is one of the most common types of knee-related injuries.

Knee fractures

When bones in your knees get direct blows, fractures may occur in your knees. The occurrence of kneecap or patella fracture can happen if a person falls down his or her knees directly and there are cracks in the kneecap because of this immense force.

Knee bursitis

Your knee has a bursa that is a pouch filled with fluid. This pouch may at times get infected or irritated. Your knee has two major bursas. The first one is located above the patella while the other one is located near the tibia below your knee joint.

Injuries due to overuse

They may occur due to repetitive tasks that cause excessive pressure on your knee. There are some activities like jogging, climbing the stairs, jumping or riding a bicycle that might cause a great deal of stress to your knee joint.

Dislocation of knee joint

This can occur if the knees get exposed to high-impact injuries with a huge amount of applied force caused due to a motor accident or sports. While this injury type is not a common one, it can cause a great deal of damage to your knees and may also impact the nerves and blood vessels located inside your knees. Such an injury needs immediate medical attention or even a surgery. Do not neglect your knee injuries if they have been troubling you for long and visit your physicians for cure.