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  • Same Day Appointments
  • Open Saturdays
  • Walk-Ins Welcome
  • Most Plans & AHCCCS Accepted
  • Cold & Flu Clinic
  • Full Service Family Clinic
  • No-Insurance Clinic
  • Affordable & Accessible Medical Care
The Women's Health Institute at Phoenix Family Medical Clinic
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  • Same Day Appointments
  • Open Saturdays
  • Walk-ins Welcome

Tips to Manage a Bout Of Flu

A bad bout of flu can be debilitating, but with some extra care you should be able to manage to get through this with the least discomfort. Here are some useful tips from family doctors, on how to care for someone with flu. Remember, these are your first line of defense. In case of worsening of symptoms, do not wait to approach a doctor at a walk in clinic like the Phoenix Family Medical Clinic.

Get your rest

Your first line of defense that all family doctors recommend is just giving your body time to rest and fight the infection. Avoid exerting yourself. You need the deep sleep to give your body time to repair itself. Use an extra pillow to make it easier to breathe when you are asleep.

Drink up

Keep up your fluid intake whenever you have a cold or flu-like symptoms. Your body needs the water to keep the mucous membrane moist so the mucous is liquified preventing the virus from thriving. You can then get rid of the viruses by blowing out your nose or swallowing to expel them from your system. Get in a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day.

Soothe the throat with warm liquids

Drink plenty of hot tea, coffee, and warm water and soups to soothe the throat. Use cough drops or suck on a lozenge if they ease the pain. If you can manage, take in some warm lemon juice mixed with honey as it acts as decongestant.

Take something for the aches

If you have a bad case of flu, you may be feeling worn out with all the body aches. Over the counter medication like ibuprofen can help manage the pain. Avoid aspirin, its side effects can create complications for the very young and those who have allergies to the medication. For a bad headache, a warm compress may also give relief. If you start running a very high fever or if your medication for the pain doesn’t help, you may need to go to an urgent care clinic.

Steam up your world

Use a vaporizer filled with water and a few drops of eucalyptus oil to clear your nasal passages. The warm steam will give you immediate relief and the oil will ease congestion. Taking a nice long warm shower also has been known to help most people. It has a similar effect to the steam inhalation process.

Keep a lookout for warning signs

Remember to watch for these symptoms, a sign that you should go to a same day clinic:

  • Breathlessness/Chest pain

  • Vomiting whenever you eat/drink

  • Persistent fever of over 100.5 °F

  • Persistent headache and congestion

  • Extreme throat pain

  • Severe cough

If the symptoms persist or if you are feeling worse, check if you can get same day appointments at a reliable family clinic like the Phoenix Family Medical Clinic. The experienced team will be able to help give you the relief and professional opinion you require when you are feeling run down and out of sorts. Our physicians and providers are well equipped to handle any difficulties you may be experiencing as a result of the flu, so don’t hesitate to call or walk in.